Awoke late because we stayed up late. Both my "boys" were still asleep. Took the dog out, another beautiful, unseasonably warm day. Went in, made coffee, checked email. About this time the boys had decided to get up.
I'm putzing around the house, still in my pj's, desperately needing my shower, when DH decides we need to play Blokus. I say, "Uhm, honey, I really do stink -- I can smell myself, so you'll just have to wait until I shower." Nope, he wants to play now. "Uhm, honey, you're just procrastinating. I told you that I am instituting my Family Clean House Saturday Morning Instead of Just Me Ultimatum starting today." He insists we'll do it later.
So I grab another cup of coffee, sit down and we play several games of Blokus. We love this game and I highly recommend it! I have been trying to institute a family game night forever, and that will never come to fruition. I do have to take advantage when DH is feeling "gamey." lol

When we finish, DH declares it cleaning house time. I just roll my eyes, say okay and head off for the shower. I get out of the shower and DH is just so proud that he has managed to empty all the garbage. (All four garbage cans.) Okay, I took a 20-minute shower. Big deal.
So we start cleaning. I kept thinking of the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. My DH just won't stay focused on what he's doing, he's jumping around from one thing to another without completing anything. (And I wonder where DS gets his attention issues!)
Halfway through cleaning, DH proclaims he needs to run to Kmart because he needs to buy dog food, cat litter, and paper towels. Yes, dear, we need those things but it can wait until the house is clean.
I just do my thing and he's stomping around so finally I say.....GO.
When he gets back, he informs me he's tired. He lies down for a nap. I sneak down to check email. I get back to work.
Well, we were finally officially done cleaning the house at 4:30. At five three of DS's friends came over for the evening. DH made homemade pizza. I had to clean the kitchen all over again after supper.
Now, if you were to ask me, I would tell you that I did the majority of the house cleaning today. DH would take full credit for more than half the work accomplished. lol I give up. At least he did help. At least he was playful today. At least he made supper.
Never a dull moment.
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