Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm a snot

I'm a snot and I admit it.

I was at a meeting tonight. Before the meeting started, a friend introduced me to a friend of hers. We were visiting and the topic of homeschool came up. The new acquaintence had a baffled look on her face. Then she asked THE questions.

How do you do it? Doesn't it drive you crazy to homeschool? How can you be around your kids all day?

I smiled and said, "I love being with my son."

Then I stared at her.

She got the point.

I'm a snot and I love it. I just don't get why it drives people crazy to be with their kids. *That's* what drives me crazy.


Angela said...

I see we are in agreement here as well! I have already started being a snot as well, as the complaints from the parents at baseball and softball about the approaching summer break have started. I have to bite my tongue really hard to remind them having children is a treasure, not a chore. ;)

Becky said...

How do you do it? Doesn't it drive you crazy to homeschool? How can you be around your kids all day?

I smiled and said, "I love being with my son."

Then I stared at her.

You are not a snot. You are kind. I, on the other hand, am mean and nasty. My standard reply to "How do you do it? I couldn't stand to be around my kids all day" is to smile very sweetly and say, "Oh honey, I could never be around your kids all day either".

Tee hee.