Called the trash company, ordered dumpster and hide-a-bed pick up and TV pick up.
Bob halled a bunch of tree branches to the city tree dump.
Started laundry.
Decuttered master bedroom. Two tubs overflowing with donations. Several bags of garbage. I was ruthless: if I didn't wear it, if I hated it, it it had holes, stains, etc., it got tossed. If it was in wearable condition, it went into the donations tub.
Cleaned out entire closet. Cleaned out all the dressers. Cleared the few things under the bed.
Vacuumed, swept for cobwebs.
Changed sheets, threw comforter and dust ruffle in the laundry.
Decluttered Bathroom.
I had no idea I had so much garbage in here.
Cleaned and organized drawers.
Cleaned and organized cupboard.
Did a quick clean of the room.
The resulting trash.
Wow! You go girl!
I don't know what it is about this time before the secular New Year, but today I started cleaning, too. I have two large bags for Good Will. I threw away one more. That was from our closet and master bath! Tomorrow, the hall, main bath and living room.
Send me your energy!
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