Thursday, June 01, 2006


I am happy to report that tonight, at 8:06 pm, we officially finished 4th grade. (We had to finish one leg of the standardized test and did it after supper.)

Whew. Thomas is excited for summer break and bouncing off the walls.

Mom will take a good two weeks (at least) to recover from the school year.

It was a good year.

Mom's opinion on the best thing we did this year: Make a school room. Although we still do a lot at the kitchen table, having it all in one spot was wonderful. The sense of ownership my son felt with the room (he applied the decorations, helped clean and organize) was well worth it.

Thomas thought the best thing we did this school year was our early-November trip to South Carolina. (This comes in as a very close second for me.)

Worst thing this year: ??? Neither Thomas nor I can come up with anything.

Things I'll change for next year: Well, this is a no brainer. With two years under my belt, I know that we will do a few weeks of summer school so that we can take off a few weeks in the spring. Spring and cabin fever hits hard in Minnesota and in February and March, I am climbing the walls.

I can't believe my baby is now a fifth grader. Where does time go!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Yay! It's definitely a good year if you can't think of a "worst thing" :)

The kids surprised me by asking to study about birds this summer, so once we're done formally in about 10 days, we'll move on to that. We'll do some reading and lots of outside studying and drawing.

Right now they're catching more frogs and discover more ducklings -- more science than they'd ever learn in the house :)