Tuesday, February 06, 2007

An Art Idea

Crop art, not to be confused with crop circles, caught my attention today.

I was looking around for bird pictures -- by the way, we saw many cardinals, blue jays, magpies and woodpeckers today -- and I came upon a bird blog. I noticed immediately the host was from the same state in which I live: not confusion, but rather Minnesota. So I looked through her blog and found a crop art photo. I clicked on the link and was awed.

Crop art is big in Minnesota. Apparently it has its own special category at the Minnesota State Fair and is a big deal. Some of the work is absolutely mind boggling how realistic it looks.

As a child, I remember seed roosters and owls in almost everyone's kitchen. Making things out of seeds was very popular back in the 60s and 70s. I hadn't thought of it for years until it sprang up in one of our scouting books. We actually did a seed and bean project with scouts, but the boys weren't too impressed with it. Thomas, however, really enjoyed it and he came home and made a cute little box that sits in my living room in a place of honor on my great-grandma's Hoosier cabinet.

I showed Thomas this website. All the pictures are copyrighted, so I won't share them here. Wow, we had a lot of fun looking at them. And to think, they were made from seed. Our favorites were Vincent Price and Where the Wild Things Are.

I think we're going to do some of this art. I think I am going to talk Thomas into making a Thomas the Tank Engine rice picture. (For me, not for him.) We can dye the rice and see how it works. If he enjoys the project, I might spring for some beans and seeds and go beyond.

I'm not a crafty person. I am a perfectionist and that doesn't work well when you make something for the first time and it turns out like you-know-what. This, however, looks like fun for me.

It's a good thing I just bought a huge bag of rice!

I'll share photos after we've made some progress.


Becky said...

This looks like some pretty neat stuff!

I just realized that your blog and a few others fell off my Bloglines subscription. I'm not sure how that happened :(. And I've gotten so lazy that I depend on Bloglines. So that's why I haven't commented lately. I was too distracted to realize, and this morning I needed 5 minutes of "calm down" time with my coffee and the computer.

Mz.Elle said...

That does look like fun.
My kids would be jealous of all the neat activities you guys do;p