Friday, February 01, 2008

Frugal Friday

Well, I blew it again -- it's now Saturday.

I'm clueless what to post about frugality at the moment.

This week Thomas and I ate out twice: Once at Taco Bell in Civilization, a town an hour from us where we take puppy classes. Tonight we ate at McDonald's. Taco Bell was $8, McDonald's was $11. So there's a 20 shot. However, I did only spend $60 on groceries this week, so that's much less than normal.

I also spent some money on school this week. I bought two used text books. We're going to stop studying history for awhile and start a unit on civics. It's a good time with the election and all. I find it easier to use a text as a spine and then supplement. I bought two identical texts, because they were $6 each and it included shipping. I prefer it when we read together and then talk -- I can see what Thomas is reading. I don't typically buy two texts for social studies, though.

This week I called the bank where we have our car loan. I had it set up so it automatically comes out of our bank account. For the entire time we've had our car loan, they have only sent us a year-end tax form. I wanted to check to see when it would be paid off. I knew it would be this spring. I was correct, it will be paid in full in April. Woo-hoo to that!

That's it. I am completely uninspired to talk money, think money, or save money at the moment. Sadly, I'm never uninspired to spend it, though. However, I have a new motto: When in doubt, do without. That works for me.


mull-berry said...

Speaking of civics, I found a book by the League of Women Voters called "Choosing the President: A Citizen's Guide to the 2000 Election." Even though it's dated, it has a lot of great information.

The 2008 version is $14.95

The LWV site also has current info.

Garden State Kate said...

LOL, I hear you on the spending money..I've been staying in so I can't spend it. Today we went to Target...oh my.

Heather said...

Wow, paid off in April?!? That rocks! Maybe you could think of some way to best use the money you won't be spending on a car payment?

Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Well, on the up side, you will get that car paid off in April. That's only three payments from now!

I find that I spend less money when I do not go to town early on days when N. has Taekwondo or appointments. It is so easy to eat out or stop for something less than necessary. But if I am pressed for time, there's no reason to stop!

Unknown said...

Congrats on almost paying off your car. Mine will be paid off by next long as nothing happens to where we fall behind again. We have only 12 more payments. I am going to try and send in an extra $30 every month so that it might go just that much quicker.

I have been trying to stay home because I can't spend the $$ in my account right now. It is all slotted for car repairs and a new stove...but oh man do I hear the craft store calling me. LOL.

Unknown said...

Hi Frankie,

I just tagged you with a music meme. I promise that I am not going to constantly do these. This was one that I really enjoyed.